The Leading Global Teaching Academy for Periodontal Courses
Founded by Dr Reena Wadia
Learn More, Earn More, Provide Better Patient Care
600+ Students
in the community
150+ Lessons
With content constantly being updated and added
10 Minutes
Average per lesson
Diploma in Periodontics
In-Person Learning
Shop Our CoursesDr Reena Wadia,
Founder and Lead Instructor
Read more about Dr. Reena
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Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I pay for this course?
What’s the difference between the online and in-person perio course?
Why should I listen to you?
What about aftercare/support after I complete a course?
Why shouldn't I just buy a textbook?
How long will I have access to the content for?
What’s the difference between the online and in-person hygienist course?
What’s the difference between the ‘course’ and ‘mini masterclass’?
Who is the diploma accredited by?